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Mikvah- A spa for the soul
The modern spa world inspires our Mikvah design from start to finish. A traditional Mikvah has three parts: the reception, the preparation room, and the Mikvah pool room. We want to keep the traditional principles in our design and incorporate the "spa" design tools.
A Mikvah is a sacred space at the core of Jewish ritual life. A profoundly meditative and spiritual experience, immersion in a Mikvah pool is a traditional purification rite that has expanded in practice to honor defining or transitional life events.
A Mikvah's physical characteristics are central to the ritual itself. The design must respond to specific Halakha principles governing material and experiential features. The most important rule is that a mikvah must be built into the ground or as an essential part of a building.
We are looking to follow the Halakh principles with our design and consider them while constructing the plan. We do so by designing the space to reflect the Jewish traditional law in a more modern setting so the users will have an extraordinary experience and the ability to make the Mitzvah in the best spiritual way possible.
Design Guidelines
When making an outstanding space, such as a mikveh, it’s crucial to use religious laws, concepts, programs, materials, texture, colors, and craftsmanship to create a modern, stylish, and visually appealing design that tells a story.
It was the story of a modern spa design for the mikveh. We wanted to create a space that would serve the women well, from the Halach and their practice to a bright, clean, and welcoming space.

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